Trip to Tanzania and Ethiopia

16.10. -  26.10.2017

In October, Fiona Allan and Laura Braun travelled to NIMR and AAU to visit the labs and potential sampling sites. In Tanzania, samples were collected from three villages along Lake Victoria – Kigongo, Sweya and Chole. Over two days, a total of 550 snails (including a few infected snails) were collected with scoops and dredges. In Ethiopia, numerous locations around Wonji (1 hour south of Addis Ababa) were sampled. This included lake shores, and canals on a sugar plantation. Despite the use of endod as a molluscicide in this area, schistosome-infected snails were collected.
Over the next months, the chlorination and filtration trials will be set up to determine the effectiveness of chlorine and sand filters in inactivating and removing viable cercariae from water.